The Argument: “Why don’t we take scripture to mean what it says at face value? We shouldn’t have to get super complicated to understand the Bible. It’s for everyone. Thus, the plain reading of 1 Timothy 2:12 says that a woman is not to teach or have authority over a man. That seems pretty clear to me. Women aren’t supposed to be in teaching or authoritative positions over men in church.”
Counterargument 1: The plain reading of Paul here is talking about a man and a woman singularly. Thus, a plain reading simply means Paul doesn’t let a woman teach or have authority over a man one-on-one. Thus, women would still be allowed to teach groups of men. Also “in church” is not present. Based on the surrounding verses, this passage doesn’t seem to be about men and women in a church meeting at all.
Counterargument 2: The plain reading assumes the words are plain and simple. However, “to have authority over” is a Greek word found nowhere else in Scripture, and in the places outside of Scripture where this word is found, it has forceful, sometimes violent connotations. “To have authority over” does not convey a plain and simple meaning.
Counterargument 3: The plain reading of this passage is Paul’s letter of instructions to Timothy about the church in Ephesus. The plain reading does not imply that Paul’s procedures for running a first-century church was intended to be copied in exact form in all churches and all times like an Old Testament Law.
Counterargument 4: The plain reading of Paul here contradicts the plain reading of Paul elsewhere, like where he gives instructions for women prophesying in 1 Corinthians 11 and where he calls Junia an apostle in Romans 16:7. He would also be either critiquing the Old Testament women who had authority over men or saying that the rules for women have changed since then.
Counterargument 5: If we take the plain reading of Paul here, we must interpret other passages in a complicated way for us to say that the Bible doesn’t contradict itself. That would include all passages about one’s spiritual gifts, preaching & teaching of the gospel, and the organization of churches. Anywhere where God’s people are told to rule and reign, to preach and teach the gospel must be altered to exclude women over men. It makes more sense for this 1 Timothy passage to be complex and the others to be simple, given the nature and context of 1 Timothy.
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