You are laughing at the LUDICROUS notion of aaallll daaayyy Lllooonnnggg. I understand that. I often laugh at things that others do not, and get some strange looks and comments for doing so. It has something to do with the melancholic’s amusement at the ludicrous and ironic. Its either laugh, cringe, scream or cry. An emotional coping mechanism of some sort.

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Having just walked the children home from school where they were all three mad at me for walking instead of driving, and one kicked rocks angrily and stormed off ahead, and another cried the whole way home because he couldn't have ice cream and the middle child argued with me to visit a friend on the walk, I'm not so sure said psychological female advantages exist in me. I was actually reminded of what Moses had to put up with as he led the children of Israel alll daaaayyyy loooong for forty years. I'm surprised you don't see the direct correlation between leadership and mothering. Do you really think the two callings require different skillsets? I'm not so sure they do.

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Leadership. Welllll, good point. I think , in the interest of brevity, i over-simplified. Similar leadership skillset in man and mother, however, different ‘army’. A mother’s leadership is more refined, she needs to deal with her children with looooongsuffering, understanding, insight, motivation, gentleness, compassion, yet firmness. A man’s leadership out on the farm, ranch, in the ‘adult’ world has a slightly challenge, (yet many adults act like children). Moses ‘lost it’ at the Rock , (and was disciplined for it), also needed to employ his father-in-law’s idea of using a parliament-like body of sub-leaders. Dr. J Vernon McGee taught that when God created woman, she was actually a more highly refined model than the man because her ‘God-Assigned’ responsibilities would require it. That’s closer to what i’m trying to say. I think it is kind of clever, (and ironically humorous) of God to do what he did. Man’s assigned responsibilities go beyond his skillset. Without his team mate he’s at a grave disadvantage, which should be a ‘glue’ that holds the ‘team’ together so that as a team they are synergistically successful.

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I gotcha. On my very limited understanding of the male brain, it does seem the man is generally better suited for acting in the face of physical danger. But that just means he makes a better soldier/fighter/guardsman, not a better leader.

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Welllll, What if ... God designed women to be psychologically equipped to manage the little people, the household, etc and men to run and work the farm, so-to-speak, but not necessarily psychologically equipped to manage the kids allllll daaayyyy looonnnggg. The bible’s teaching is merely assigning responsibility to the gender most well equipped by God’s design to do the job.

God assigned the responsibility to lead to men, (for some reason), maybe actually equipped men psychologically, to lead.

The ‘community’ needs leadership. But what happens if the men shirk their responsibility? Someone has to take over for the good of the community. Enter the manager-equipped woman, (to the chagrin of the man).

If men would live up to their responsibility and, through social exercise, use and hone their God-given skills, they would eventually provide leadership and actually feel fulfilled in doing so. Women could focus on where their heart is, raising and teaching the next generation and actually feel fulfillment in what God equipped them to do well and with much success.

In the sixties the ‘buzz’ was to reverse roles and shoulder responsibilities we were not actually assigned by God. Neither have been able to create the community that God intended, are feeling frustrated, unfilled but refuse to trust God’s design and subsequent assignment of responsibilities.

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You make me laugh, Dennis. I've never heard the argument that God made women psychologically equipped to manage little people alllll daaaayyyy looonnnggg. This makes me laugh for some reason. Not sure why.

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In actuality - The Wife of Proverbs 31. The Hebrew word used for ‘Wife’ is also translated ‘warrior’ wife or woman. I can’t think of a biblical model of a man that can match up to her.

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Allll Daaaaayyyy Lllloooonnnngggg… hyperbole

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😂😂😂 - Touche’

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