Someone penned a similar declaration... “take time to smell the roses” as my poetry reading jewish mother who taught me about life in proverbs and famous lines from poem by which she had been guided through life, would often remind me... (was that a run-on sentence?). You appear to be way ahead of many others in your prioritization of beauty’s value, (if i am reading your thoughts correctly. A few years ago i came to the conclusion that beauty claims an extremely high priority in Our Creator’s heart and mind and so, also should I in mine, and that of my wife’s. Soooo, i have a new appreciation of her desire to have a house and yard that reflects her desire to live in the presence of beauty. Absolutely nothing vane about loving beauty for beauty’s sake.
Someone penned a similar declaration... “take time to smell the roses” as my poetry reading jewish mother who taught me about life in proverbs and famous lines from poem by which she had been guided through life, would often remind me... (was that a run-on sentence?). You appear to be way ahead of many others in your prioritization of beauty’s value, (if i am reading your thoughts correctly. A few years ago i came to the conclusion that beauty claims an extremely high priority in Our Creator’s heart and mind and so, also should I in mine, and that of my wife’s. Soooo, i have a new appreciation of her desire to have a house and yard that reflects her desire to live in the presence of beauty. Absolutely nothing vane about loving beauty for beauty’s sake.
Love the last stanza.