May Christ’s love be with you this Christmas.
May Christ’s love be in you and around you and working through you.
May it firmly establish and uphold you from the day it was planted until you burst from this earth into the full light of God’s presence.
May God’s love be like a mother’s womb and a father’s strong arm, growing you and guarding you, nurturing you and toughening you up, feeding you and teaching you to branch out.
May God’s love fill in all the gaps that your earthly mother and father left behind because they were not God, and you were a self-seeking child. May God’s love tenderly heal those empty grooves in your heart by filling them with His golden glory. May they become a witness to His healing power.
Finally, may Christ’s love create in you a firmness and strength to stay in this holding pattern of transformation: of hurting, healing, and glorifying Him . . . hurting, healing, and glorifying Him . . . again and again until nothing causes you to doubt His love and everything becomes a vehicle for His saying, “I love you.”