Who is this coming from ancient times, from across the seas with his armor stained crimson? Who is this gilded in splendor, striding forward in the greatness of his strength? "It is I, speaking in righteousness, mighty to save." Why is your armor red, like those fresh from the battle? "I have been in the thick of the fight alone; from all the nations no man came with me. I slew them down for justice's sake; their blood splattered my greaves and all my silver-plated armor for vengeance was assigned to me from on high and the year to save my bride has come. "I looked for other knights in shining armor to help me, but there was no one to help. I was appalled that no one could draw swords beside me; so my own sword struck to save the damsel, and I alone had the compelling drive to sustain myself. I trampled the enemies in my anger; in my wrath, I made them keel over and I poured their blood on the ground." The bride speaks: "I will tell you of the kindnesses of my knight, the heroic feats for which he is to be praised—yes, the many selfless acts he has done for me and my family all because of his compassion for me and his servant's heart. The knight said, "Surely, the lady is my heart's desire, a woman who will not be false to me"; and so he became her husband. When she was distressed, he too was distressed for her. By many of his mighty messengers did he save her. In his love and mercy, he paid the price to free her from the dragon and then he rode off with her into the sunset. But when they had reached safety, when they were married and at rest, she would have none of it. She wanted to be her own knight in shining armor. So she took up his sword and grieved him to the core. She dressed up in her knight's armor and believed it was her own sword that had saved her. She said, "I should like very much to prove myself. Let me be the knight, the hero, the savior. I have a compelling drive as well. Your strength has inspired me. So now I am ready to fight too. After all, is it not better to be the lending hand than the begging hand? Is it not better to be capable than a novice? Is it not better to be the fighter than the one standing aside helplessly hoping it turns out well? Isn't this why you rescued me? Make me a knight then, not a damsel!" But all her strutting and posturing wreaked havoc on their kingdom for she could not save a single soul. She shriveled up like a dead leaf, and like the wind her fantasies swept her away. She didn't call for her knight or humble herself like the helpless maiden she had once been. She forgot who she was and wandered aimlessly. What could the knight do but don his armor against his bride? He fought against her himself. Then she recalled the olden days, the early days of their romance when her knight was by her side and fought all her enemies, carrying her through treacherous waters to safety. She wondered, "Where is he who once dressed me for the wedding? Who sent his flashing sword of power to protect me, who cut through every obstacle and gained everlasting renown, who led me through the briars and out of the burning dragon's den?" Then she lay down her sword and took off her armor. "My Knight! My husband! Look down from your castle now and see me. Here is your polished armor and your invincible sword. I am not skilled in using them. Do not withhold your tenderness and compassion from me. For you, O Warrior, are still the only knight who can save me. And I am still that same helpless bride terrorized by dragons. If I must remain simple and powerless for now, let it be." Indeed, let every man become, in this, maidenly for it is only through this daily enactment of helplessness that the savior's power dresses every bride to be a knight.
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So well written. Your words truly paint a picture. Why do we do this? Why do we think we can control and manage everything when He has already conquered the beast.