Scorn not eternity as a monotonous strumming of harps Or an austere chorus endlessly bending the knee. Cast it not aside in favor of a riotous and rowdy hell, Where the mischievous dance in an endless Halloween night. For hell will forever be shrinking with self-absorbed repetition, While Heaven swells with the god-men’s inventions and strength. And if that inspires you not, muse with me then the possibilities When Wisdom indwells man and our dreams are birthed in eternity. Consider the untapped power then coursing through our veins, When God remakes us to rule without misdeed or blindness. Then amidst a thousand dangers we’d previously feared, We pursue without vexation all knowledge, strength, and intimacies. Might we harvest lightning, contrive alloys, and wrinkle time To delve into seas and galaxies much deeper than sci-fi films? Might we learn the languages of birds and reptiles and mammals, And astride pterodactyls teach them to dodge ocean cyclones? Might we study genetics, the formation of all creatures, And bring the ancients' beasts to life: the pegasus, dragon, and griffin? Might we lay out architectural masterpieces on rifts of tectonic plates And delight in collapsing towers: a test of titanium and diamond? Might we, the lovers of stratagem, create thousand-hour diversions For those who revel in riddles and puzzles and mazes and clues? Might we learn lava’s pulsations, the throb of underground rivers, And hold back volcanic cinders to move islands and spare sea creatures? Might we delight in the company of thousands All reflecting our winsome and intense and glorious God? Might we stage performances where all concepts coalesce, For each loves another's notions as much as their own? And might I with my fellow muses meet in marble amphitheaters, Gathering accounts from all peoples to weave a new narrative? Might we choose our words from a thousand tongues With time aplenty to flesh out the stories imagination longs to tell? All dreams stopped short by adulthood, closed doors long barred or burned Now take flight and reopen, when we pass beyond the veil. How my soul longs for that place where Wisdom is in us and with us. And we rulers bend the knee, delighting in the discovery of eternity.
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
and no mind has imagined,
what God has prepared
for those who love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9